Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Dreaming about my Dream Day Job

Who could have guessed that the process of accepting and then arriving at my dream job would be so convoluted? Not me, that's for sure.

From those first conversations in Miami through this very moment, I have known exactly where I wanted to be, exactly where I needed to be, and exactly what my dream job would look like. It's been the rocky trail from that first conversation through this moment that has been the challenge. And I'm still not THERE, not physically anyway. I am certainly there in spirit, in desire, in hope, in emails, by title and in my dreams. But I am not there, I am in Albuquerque..

...daydreaming in the midst of stacked and taped boxes, wrapped furniture and rolled rugs, while my enthusiastic colleagues work cheerfully at their desks in the decorated offices at Atlas.

What's wrong with this picture? I'm not in it!

I am supposed to be there, in the picture so to speak. But I am waiting for a moving van that is headed my way from Tennessee and due to arrive on Wednesday (originally Friday or Sunday). And I am working online and by phone, but it's just not the same. I want to be THERE! In my office. With my colleagues. Sheesh, this is nuts.

My dream job is waiting for me to arrive. And here I am in Albuquerque.

At least I can day dream until I am really there.

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